Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We're Official. I just updated my Facebook status.

As I was sitting in my cubicle at work I heard some of my coworkers talking. I wasn’t really paying attention until one of them said “Hey do you want to take a look at the picture on my phone?” I thought that it might be a cute picture of one of her cats since we both loved kitties. I said “Sure, why not?” As she clicked to the picture, I got a glimpse of a man proudly showing off his junk for the camera.
Boy, has dating changed since I dated almost 14 years ago. Forget getting to know someone. Evidently, now a days a good way to see if a girl wants to date you is to send her a picture of your junk via text. If she likes what she sees you just scored yourself a date.
You want to meet a man or a woman go to a dating website don’t try to pick someone up at a bar or grocery store. That is so last decade. I remember back in the day when me and Mr. P were dating. That was almost 14 long years ago. The consensus about dating sites was they were for socially awkward people who couldn’t talk to someone in person. But that was before technology really took over our everyday life. You’re over 50 there’s a sight for you. Looking for a specific religion there’s another site for you. The possibility is endless. Why get to know someone and reject them after a few dates because of how they chew their food. You can reject them right away if you hate Bojovi and they list that as one of their favorite bands.
I recently read about someone going on Twitter after their date and giving a play by play of all of the bad qualities of her date. Needless to say the guy found out and there wasn’t a second date. And the tweeting just doesn’t stop there. Remember when wedding proposals were private between the 2 people that would be getting married. Now it is only a secret wedding proposal if the bride or groom to be knows nothing about. At the same time all of your followers on Twitter know the big question is coming. How romantic to tweet about it as it is happening. Getting married. Take your phone to the alter and update your Facebook status after you are married. Hell, why not update your status as you are walking down the aisle. I’ve seen some people do this. Because you aren’t truly married until you update your Facebook status to “married.”
Don’t get me wrong. Technology is great. It saved my little micro HP. But, please oh please let my husband die after me. Because, between the junk shots, constant tweeting and Facebook updates I don’t know if I could survive dating 21st century style.

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